Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holy Internet-not-working-again, Batman!!

Yup....our Internet isn't working right now. We are at DQ at the moment, which is why I can write this. As an update, I will be putting my blog button that I won on here once I can get a laptop with Internet. Also, a music tag post (cough, sorry Katie, cough) ;) and more song posts will come as soon as I can get our internet fixed. :/
Thanks for y'alls patience!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Intersting shot....

So this photo is a TOTALLY untouched, unaltered, and nothing of the sort.  Thought it was a pretty cool shot.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Musical Pictures

Hey Guys! Hope all is well in the blogging world! (and outside of this blogging world as well....) I have been pretty busy between football games, and doing photoshoots with some friends of mine. So today I wanted to something a little different. What I want to do is use at least part of a song and add pictures that match it to it. Now you probably have seen some of these pictures, but I just kinda mixed them up. The song I am going to use is:                                                           

   "Lord of All Creation"
Lord of all creation
Of Water,
And sky.

    The heavens are your tabernacle.

  Glory to the Lord on high!

   God of wonders beyon our galaxy!
  You are holy! Holy!

The universe declares Your majesty,

You are holy, holy!

Lord of Heaven and Earth,

Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Tell me what you think, and if I should do another song!